Annual Meeting
We gathered in Palo Alto to review the events of the past 12 months, go over the financial stats of the club and of our endowment fund, introduce our newly elected executive board, and plan for the coming year. Folks came a little early and stayed a little late as we caught up with each other and got excited for the coming year!
Annual Meeting 2023
We held our annual meeting on October 1, 2023, a potluck lunch where we welcomed any Smith alum in the Peninsula Bay Area. During the meeting we reviewed what the club did throughout the past year, went over our financial statement, talked about upcoming events for the new year, and introduced the new board for 2023/2024. A special thank you to Alice Smith for hosting us at Channing House in Palo Alto.
Annual Meeting
We braved the rain and gathered together at the home of Donna Dong ‘13. We reviewed the finances for the past fiscal year, the plethora of events that were planned and executed, and what we’re looking forward to in the new year. The new executive board was approved via electronic survey prior to the meeting.
2021 Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Smith Club of the Peninsula was held on Sunday, September 26 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
What an amazing in-person gathering for the Smith College Club of the Peninsula Annual Meeting 2021! An ENORMOUS thank you to Joy Silver '96 for offering up her beautiful home and backyard, and for proving an unbelievable spread of quiche, scones, finger sandwiches, and desserts. 24 members gathered on Joy's back patio, reviewed the club's previous 12 months, and planned for the upcoming year.
Annual Club Meeting 2020
The Smith College Club of the Peninsula Annual Meeting 2020 was fun and engaging, and we got things done! 22 members were in attendance ranging from classes of 1961 through 2016. Here’s the synopsis…
Annual Meeting and Potluck
The Annual Meeting and Potluck was held on September 8th at the home of Laura Hyatt '89. Twenty-five alumnae attended and enjoyed meeting up with fellow Smithies.
Annual Meeting & Potluck 2018
Twenty new and long-time club members gathered at the beautiful home of Nisha Thatte-Potter on Sunday, August 26th, for the annual meeting and potluck.